Are you worried about your large deductible or simply don’t want to deal with the hassle of insurance companies? Look no further than Kinese’s medical coordinator service! View our explainer video here.
Kinese fees include the cost of your:
We have negotiated the cost of each of our procedures in advance, so we are able to offer you the best rates without the uncertainty and frustration that comes with involving your insurance company. Your treatment is unique and tailored to your individual needs because your health and comfort is our number one priority.
At Kinese, we believe that the medical experience should be personalized and as stress-free as possible. Allow us to be your trusted partner in your healthcare process.
For Urgent Appointments
Call 1 855-342-6761 so that we can set up an appointment for you with one of our premier physicians as soon as possible.
For Surgery
Select a surgical procedure and view our pricing, meet our physicians or get started HERE.